Everything about ecology, carbon footprint & price 2 reduce for community; is EcoTalks®

The Ecosystem of prosperity & abundance for humankind.

स्थानीय पारिस्थितिकी, कार्बन पदचिन्ह उन्हें घटाने हैतु पारितोषिक की बातें इकोटाक्स हैं

Talk about local ecology, carbon footprint and premium to reduce it at EcoTalks

भारत सरकार Government of India

Trade Marks Registry Certificate No.: 1746761   

Trade Marks Act, 1999

 Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark, Section 23 (2), Rule 56 (1) 

Trade Mark No. 3158769   Date 12/01/2016    j. No. 1810   

Certified that Trade Mark / a representation is annexed hereto, has been registered in the name(s) of:- AJAY SAXENA, Plot-89 & 90, Sector-29, Agroli Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614, Maharashtra, Proprietor, Trading as :

 EcoTalks - Everything for community

Service Provider, (Single Firm) 

In Class 41  Under No. 3158769   as of the date 12 January 2016  in respect of

Education; Providing of Training; Entertainment; Sporting and cultural activities

Trade Mark as annexed 

 Sealed at my direction, this 05 th day of January , 2018  
